Sat. 11a RD – Recovery Dharma LGBTQ and allies

Harmony Hall Downstairs

Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation.   A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause.  (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.

RD – Recovery Dharma LGBTQ and allies

Harmony Hall Downstairs

Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation.   A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause.  (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.

Queer Heal & Restore Yoga

P=H Outdoor Event Space

FOR QUEER PEOPLE IND ALLIES - FREE Restorative, Mindful, Movement - Connection, Friendships, Meditation Yoga - Discussion Flow Sequence that promotes the bodies' rest and healing. Location - Bodhi Tree at the ATC in Silverlake


Harmony Hall

Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW participation for wellness and recovery

Al Anon – LGBTQ

Small Terrace Room

Family and Friends of Alcoholics - Spkr/ Participation, LGBT for wellness and recovery

Al Anon – LGBTQ

Harmony Hall

Family and Friends of Alcoholics - Spkr/ Participation, LGBT for wellness and recovery

Simple Sundays – Al Anon

Harmony Hall

LGBT and allies Speaker / Participation for wellness and recovery

DA Sunday Nite

Harmony Hall Room

Steps, Speaker, Tools, Pressure Relief Groups (PRG) for wellness and recovery

CA – Silverlake Group

Harmony Hall

Cocaine Anonymous - Spkr/Participation, LGBTQ for wellness and recovery