AA – Early Birds

Sky Terrace Room upstairs

Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open for wellness and recovery

CMA Meditation

Grand Hall downstairs

Crystal Meth Anonymous meditation meeting for wellness and recovery

NA – Mixed Nuts

Unity Hall

Narcotics Anonymous - Spkr / Participation, LGBT, open, young (60 min)for wellness and recovery

RD – Recovery Dharma

Terrace Room

Refuge Recovery is a mindfulness-based addiction recovery meeting that practices and utilizes Buddhist philosophy as the foundation for recovery from the suffering addictions do cause. This meeting has a special focus on the inventory process in RR. Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.

RD – Recovery Dharma

Harmony Hall

Refuge Recovery is a mindfulness-based addiction recovery meeting that practices and utilizes Buddhist philosophy as the foundation for wellness and recovery from the suffering addictions do cause. This meeting has a special focus on the inventory process in RR. Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.

NA – Misfits – Thurs.

Unity Hall / Sky Terrace

Narcotics Anonymous - Spkr / Participation, LGBT, open, young adult (60 min) for wellness and recovery

RD – Recovery Dharma

Harmony Hall

Refuge Recovery is a mindfulness-based addiction recovery meeting that practices and utilizes Buddhist philosophy as the foundation for recovery from the suffering addictions do cause. This meeting has a special focus on the inventory process in RR. Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.

AA – Gong Show

Unity Hall

Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT Openhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09

AA – Gong Show

Unity Hall

Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBTQ Open for wellness and recoveryhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09

AA – Early Bird

Sky Terrace Room upstairs

Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open for wellness and recovery