AA – Early Birds
Sky Terrace Room upstairsAlcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open for wellness and recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open for wellness and recovery
Co-Dependents Anonymous, CoDA, is a fellowship of people whose common purpose is to develop healthy and loving relationships for wellness and recovery.
Narcotics Anonymous - Spkr / Participation, LGBTQ, open, young adult. 60 mins of wellness and recovery. Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation. A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause. (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Alcoholics Anonymous - Thank our HP, LGBTQ for wellness and recovery Join with Google Hangouts: https://hangouts.google.com/hangouts/_/atcenterla.org/aa-thank-god?hceid=dmY0MTlmbDUwbGtkYzY5OWg1Z3RkNGJzNThAZ3JvdXAuY2FsZW5kYXIuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbQ.vja6e9vcvsrit4cdhcqc59r860&hs=121
Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation. A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause. (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation. A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause. (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Narcotics Anonymous - Spkr / Participation, LGBTQ, open, young adult. 60 mins of wellness and recovery. Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Family and Friends of Alcoholics - Spkr/ Participation, LGBT for wellness and recovery
Location: Harmony Hall Marijuana Anonymous: Spkr / Participation, LGBTQ, open, young adult. 60 mins of wellness and recovery.Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation. A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause. (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open, Big Book Round Robin/ Participation for wellness and recovery