AA – Big Book Study – Fri
Harmony HallAlcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open, Big Book Round Robin/ Participation for wellness and recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open, Big Book Round Robin/ Participation for wellness and recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBTQ Open for wellness and recoveryhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT Openhttps://us04web.zoom.us/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09/j/8734838912?pwd=cE9TNUZLMno2Lzhpcno2V0o3dnA2dz09
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Open for wellness and recovery
Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation. A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause. (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
BIPOC recovery wellness meeting for healing
Compulsive Eaters Anonymous-HOW participation for wellness and recovery
Weekly double winners women's/ trans and non-binary inclusive for wellness and recovery.
Family and Friends of Alcoholics - Spkr/ Participation, LGBT for wellness and recovery
LGBT and allies Speaker / Participation for wellness and recovery
Cocaine Anonymous - Spkr/Participation, LGBTQ for wellness and recovery