CA – Silverlake Group
Harmony HallCocaine Anonymous - Spkr/Participation, LGBTQ for wellness and recovery
Cocaine Anonymous - Spkr/Participation, LGBTQ for wellness and recovery
Men's group, spkr / discussion Round Robin for wellness and recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Non-Bi, Queer Open Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 760 4118 5632
Alcoholics Anonymous - LGBT, Non-Bi, Queer Openfor wellness and recoveryJoin Zoom Meeting ID: 760 4118 5632
Alcoholics Anonymous - Artist's in Sobriety - LGBT, Open, Sprk / Q&A/ Participation for wellness and recovery Join with Google Hangouts:
A women's participation meeting for wellness and recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous - Women's Stag - Women Trans and Non-Binary, Closed Meeting for wellness and recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous - Women Trans and Non-Binary, Closed Meeting for wellness and recovery
Recovery Dharma is a mindfulness-based recovery practice that utilizes tenets from Buddhist philosophy as its foundation. A wellness approach for relief from suffering, no matter what the cause. (LGBTQ and allies) Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Narcotics Anonymous - Spkr / Participation, LGBTQ friendly, open. 60 mins of wellness and recovery. Free complimentary coffee & tea w/ free parking in the lot and adjoining streets.
Bring Your Own Big Book Alcoholic's Anonymous round robin reading of the Big Book for wellness and recovery
Grief circle for political devastation or climate devastation or any other emotions happening in this day and age - LGBTQ supportive